In-depth Forest Walk

We invite you to the forest for a forest bathing (forest therapy) in Warsaw!

For 10 years now, we have been helping people relax, immerse themselves in the forest and renew contact with nature – for health and inner balance.

We cooperate with companies, institutions, organizations and individuals.

Forest bathing and forest therapy, on which we base ourselves, have a strong support in research on the impact of forest and nature on human health (evidence based medicine).

During walks, we expand our senses. We develop the basic ones – sight, hearing, smell, taste, touch, but we also go beyond the basic canon and strengthen, for example, orientation in space or awareness of one’s own body.

This practice allows us to learn more about ourselves, others and the world around us.

We strengthen bonds. Important values ​​for us are coexistence, climate protection and respect for life on Earth.

We conduct:

* forest bathing focused on deep peace and relaxation,
* thematic walks with a main idea or theme, looking for tips or hints for individual and sometimes also team dilemmas,
* ticketed walks as part of cycles
* meditation walks in silence – exceptionally focused,
* workshops for teams in the forest – using elements of forest relaxation to strengthen cooperation and creativity of the group.
* individual forest bathing,
* night walks,
* mentoring for guides and guides of forest bathing / forest therapy.

The forest formula is best adapted individually to the expectations and needs of the organizer and the group. Please contact us!

Most often we conduct walks for:
* adults,
* adults accompanied by older children,
* sometimes also for young people and children (for whom we specially adapt the walk formula).

Most often in forests:
* in Warsaw and the surrounding area,
* to which you would like to invite us – we like traveling around Poland and are happy to visit further corners of the country.

We can also lead a walk in English.

Many of our walks have a leading theme, e.g. Freedom, Rebirth or Change. During these walks, the forest becomes a space for development and supports the process.

Every year, following the rhythm of nature, from spring to late autumn we run a series of monthly walks in the forests in and around Warsaw.

How does a forest bath with a guide differ from a regular relaxing walk?

  • you don’t have to worry about the route and getting back on time. The guide will take care of that for you;
  • the guide gives the bath structure, the pace of the walk, invites you to specially selected, relaxing experiences, thanks to which it is easier for you to leave your thoughts and relax more deeply;
  • being with a guide gives you a sense of security, especially in new terrain or during night walks.